At Woronora Road Veterinary Clinic, we provide a wide range of services.
Consultations. We are available 6 days a week for consultations. We prefer our clients to make an appointment to minimise waiting time. Emergencies or urgent medical cases will be seen immediately (if possible).
Medical. During your consultation, our vets will take a full medical history, and perform a thorough patient examination. Sometimes other tests or aids may be necessary for diagnosis. We have access to a wide range of resources in-house, at the lab or by referral.
Surgery. Both Dr Westwood and Dr McGuiness are experienced surgeons. We perform all types of surgery, including soft tissue, orthopaedic, ophthalmic and desexings.
Hospital. All pets that stay with us are kept in a comfortable hospital ward and monitored by our veterinarians and nurses. Your pet can expect comfortable bedding, heating pads, and plenty of attention. Intravenous fluids and medical treatment are provided as required.
Dentistry. Oral hygiene to be an important part of a pet’s well-being. At each consultation we will check your animal's teeth and can advise you on preventative measures. If necessary, we perform dental cleaning with an iM3 ultrasonic dental machine.
Anaesthesia. Anaesthesia and monitoring regimes are tailored to each individual patient.
Pathology. We have access to a wide-range of diagnostic tests. Some of these are performed in-house, while others are performed at external veterinary laboratories.
Radiology. Radiographs are taken on our premises with our modern digital radiology machine.
Ultrasound. Ultrasound examinations are performed in-house for diagnostic investigation, ultrasound-guided sample collection and pregnancy diagnosis.
Microchipping. All pets should be microchipped for identification. We are licensed to insert microchips at our practice. Also, if your pet goes missing and is brought to us, we can scan the chip to locate the owner. We have online access to the data base to help you be reunited with your pet as quickly as possible.
Vaccination. We offer vaccinations for all pets tailored to their individual needs. As part of your vaccination visit, we perform a full physical examination of your pet including a weight and dental check.
Over the counter medications. The wide range of flea, tick, heartworm and intestinal worm products available can be confusing. We supply these medications with informed advice on appropriate combinations and safety for your pet. We also stock a comprehensive range of skin care products and veterinary prescription diets.
Advice. Professional advice on nutrition, vaccinations, parasite control, animal behaviour and dental care is available from our veterinary nurses and veterinarians.